EVT203A Assessment Event Strategic Plan 代写

发布时间:2019-10-30 20:24
EVT203A Assessment Event Strategic Plan 代写

  HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M EVT203A Assessment Brief 3  Event Strategic Plan Week 11.Docx Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code EVT203A Subject name Events Policy and Strategy Assessment title Assessment 3 –  Event Strategic Plan Group or individual assessment Group Length 1600 words +/- 10 % Learning outcomes addressed a. Discuss the critical strategic role and function of the event program within the context of corporations, government departments and communities b. Compare and contrast the linkages between planning, governance, event organisational structure and strategic direction. c. Demonstrate an understanding of strategic planning and environmental analysis as it pertains to event planning. d. Reflect upon the impact of government policy upon strategic event planning. Submission date 11:55pm Sunday of week 11 Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 40% 2 HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M EVT203A Assessment Brief 3  Event Strategic Plan Week 11.Docx Assessment Brief: In small groups (2/3) or individually at your tutor’s discretion and based on the events researched and developed in Assessment Tasks 1 & 2 chose a special event from one of the destinations in the case studies from Part III of the textbook 1 . N.B.  You can change your chosen event but remember this will entail redoing the majority of your research. Develop an Event and an Event Strategic Plan for the chosen event, paying particular attention to the event strategic policy. You will need to address the following issues: -  The critical strategic role and function of the event program within the context of corporations, government departments and communities.  The linkages between planning, governance, event organisational structure and strategic direction.  Strategic planning and environmental analysis as it pertains to event planning.  The impact that government policy, at all levels of government has upon strategic event planning. Please remember Do not under any circumstances contact the Event organisers or industry suppliers, any queries regarding availability of venues, artists and equipment or costing which you are unable to establish must be directed to your tutor. Place your name and ES1 in the subject line of the e-mail. 1  From Part III of the textbook. F OLEY , M., M C G ILLIVRAY , D., & M C P HERSON , G. 2012. E VENT POLICY : F ROM THEORY TO STRATEGY , R OUTLEDGE , N EW  Y ORK . 3 HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M EVT203A Assessment Brief 3  Event Strategic Plan Week 11.Docx Marking criteria rubric: Fail 0-12 Pass 13-16 Credit 17-19 Distinction 20-21 HD 22-25 Shows clear understanding of strategic policy issues Fails to demonstrate an understanding strategic policy issues for special events Developing an understanding of strategic policy issues for special events Solid understanding of strategic policy issues showing sound knowledge of issues Evaluates a range of strategic policy issues showing a good depth of knowledge of issues Evaluates a wide range of strategic policy issues demonstrating an extended depth of knowledge of issues Addresses all key areas of the strategic policy planning in appropriate depth Fails to demonstrate basic understanding the needs and requirements of special events Developing an understanding of the needs and requirements of special events Solid understanding of the needs and requirements of Special Events

EVT203A Assessment Event Strategic Plan 代写 Identifies a range of variables based on a good knowledge of special events Identifies a wide range of variables based on extensive depth of knowledge of special events Evidence of significant research as a basis for analysis Little or no evidence of the use of research Basic research lacking in detail and depth A clear attempt at gaining knowledge through research Clear understanding of the event through significant research Comprehensive understanding of the event through extensive and detailed research Presentation and industry standard documentation Document fails to meet minimum standards Poorly prepared and formatted document with significant errors and some omissions Clear document mostly free of technical and grammatical errors Good document well formatted mostly free of technical and grammatical errors Fully developed document free of technical and grammatical errors Total  / 100  marks EVT203A Assessment Event Strategic Plan 代写


