Business Reporting & Analysis Assignment 代写assignme

发布时间:2019-10-19 18:18

Business Reporting & Analysis Assignment
Semester 2, 2008
Assessment: 20%
Due: Friday 26 September before 4pm
To undertake this assignment, students will need to access the electronic data base of
annual reports from Aspect annual reports online.
(a) On the basis of the published annual reports for the years 2006 and 2007,
provide an assessment of the company in relation to:
• Profitability
• Liquidity
• Efficiency
• Financial stability (gearing)
• Investment
Your assessment is expected to include calculation of ratios listed on pages 266-
267 of your text. To calculate averages for some ratios you will need 2005
numbers. For investment ratios you need only use dividend yield and price
earnings ratio. Year-end share price can be accessed by using the historical search
facility on Aspect fin analysis. Choose annual ratio analysis, then year end share
price. Show workings for all ratios used in your analysis.
Aspect fin analysis and Aspect annual reports on line are available through
the ANU library catalogue.
(12 marks)
(page limit: 3.5 pages)
(b) Choose one of profitability, liquidity, stability or efficiency and calculate an
industry average for this aspect of analysis for the industrials/capital goods GICS
sector. Aspect fin analysis can be used to calculate industry ratios. Compare this
average with ratios for your company. How does this industry benchmark add to
your assessment of the company?
(4 marks)
(page limit: 1 page)
(c) Access the audit report in the annual report. The audit opinion is expressed in terms
of a ‘true and fair view of the entity’s financial position and financial performance’.
What does ‘true and fair’ mean? Is it different to ‘complying with accounting
standards’? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
(page limit: 1 page)
Choice of company
Students’ choice of company is based on the tutorial group they are enrolled in.
GICS Code Company name Tutor Tutorial group
ALS Alesco Corporation Limited Kuan Kiat Monday 1,2 & 3pm
BKN Bradken Limited Catherine Tues 11am, Wed 3&4pm
HIL Hills Industries Limited Yin Tues 9&10 am, 5pm
Wednesday 5pm
BKN Bradken Limited John Byrne ANUC students
The assignment may be completed in student groups of 1 or 2.
Maximum Word limit: 2,500 words or approximately 5 ½ pages excluding
Presentation: Times New Roman, 12 point font size, 1.5 line spacing, 3cm
margins, reference list, ratio calculations in appendix.
Follow instructions for presentation and submission of assignments in the
Course Outline (page 4) distributed in the first lecture and available on the
course website.


